Should the Tesla be more green than it actually is?

This past whatever time, I’ve been snooping through 2020 Midsize SUV data made available by, more specifically the Green Score. I’ve pointed out some nuances when considering using…


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What Happens When the Feeling of Shame Conquers Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse?

The shame of being sexually abused as a child is a common sentiment for many of the victims. However, this doesn’t entail that they should just be allowed to feel this way. In fact, many people who carry this emotion try to redeem their self-worth by making material accomplishments in life. Not all survivors of child sexual abuse become abusers when they grow up. There are also those who have endured living a life in complete denial of what happened to them. They become successful in obtaining material possession, wealth, power, and prestige. But have they actually healed the wounds of the past?

Sadly for majority of child sexual abuse survivors, life will never be the same. If they continue to let the feeling of shame govern them, no single type of accomplishment in life, be it material or power, will erase the hidden wounds of the past. As long as they continue to be afraid that other people will view them negatively, they will always be haunted by that same experience many years back.

Although there exist a lot of counseling and recovery programs out there, victims who fall prey and succumb to the feeling of shame will never reach the stage of healing. They will be put in a stage where there is no progress. Even if they manage to hide the childhood sexual abuse experience to others, the memories of it will never cease to exist in their minds as long as they fail to face and fight it.

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