Southern Giant Petrel

The southern giant petrel (Macronectes giganteus) is found in the Southern Hemisphere on islands and the coasts of southern Australia, New Zealand, southern South America and Antarctica. As the name…


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20 Limiting Beliefs that Mess with Your Dreams

You are only Confined by the Walls you Build Yourself

Beliefs can be described as views we have about ourselves, others and the world as a whole. They determine how we think things are and how they are supposed to be. In fact, how we see the world is determined by what we have decided to believe about it.

The sum of our beliefs, both positive ones and negative ones make up our mindset and thus our idea of reality. Everything in life, from how we see things, how we feel about them and how we react to them is determined by our subconscious belief system which is at the core of who we are.

Most beliefs were created in our early childhood and manifested throughout our entire life. As a child, we have picked up ideas about the world through our experiences, as well as through what our parents and other important people in our lives taught us. This includes how we saw them behave and how we heard them talk about specific things.

At first, these ideas are quite flexible and we are still able to change them, but over time we gather further evidence, references and facts that prove these ideas to be true. Furthermore, by repeatedly thinking about these ideas and acting according to them over and over again, they are ingrained further and further into our subconscious. Until, at some point we have accepted these ideas as truths that shape our world and our life. And from then on, these beliefs are so deeply rooted into our nervous system that we are not even aware of them, because acting upon them seems so natural and automatic.

From then on, we hold onto to them no matter what. We hold onto them even if we have significant contradictory evidence against them. We hold onto them even if they present us with a distorted view of reality that only…

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